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Activity 1

Original template
The font used has abrupt edges, it does not flow. The color used for the font is white on the “home” page, signifying the importance of it and it makes it easier to separate from the other pages. The other words were in black.

Different types of bread were posted to show what they have done. Makes the people looking at the site have a feel of what they do. Also, the picture automatically switches to the next one, which makes it easier for the person looking at the site since they don’t have to do it themselves. The main colors of the site are yellow and white. It makes it easier to read and it makes it very lively.


“Bonneau Haute Designs”

The format is basically the same, just different colors, fonts, pictures, purpose and instead of 3 buttons at the bottom, there is just 1. Colors between the font and the background greatly separates it and makes it a lot easier to read since the color of the font is brown and the color of the box is a light blue. The very brief description of what is about is very helpful: straight to the point and only one sentence. It is also in black against the white background so it is hard to miss.

The colors used have more of a contrast compared to the original. The original is yellow and white: both light. The colors used hear is a light blue, brown and white. White is the background color, blue is the color of the boxes and brown is used as the font color. The contrast between the colors makes it more interesting and easier to read. The pictures move automatically like the original.

“La Casita de Tom”

This template has a lot more going on the other 2. The title itself is in a brown font, but each word has a different colored background. It makes it more fun and interesting and also makes the owner of the site more desirable to work with. The font color is white against a green background and the font is simple, which is good because the main background has a lot going on so it does not take away from it. There is a description at the bottom and above are 3 buttons. The buttons are blue and that background that it has is white. This separates it from the other buttons and shows that they are more important.

The background has a picture of what the company entails. It gives a visual representation, good for those who did not want to read. It is also better than just a plain background since if there are too much, people will get bored and leave the site. The picture slide automatically as well and beneath it is a little slogan.

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